TopBand: Excerpts OPDXA Bulletin #288

Bill Tippett btippett@CTC.Net
Sun, 19 Jan 1997 23:48:08 -0500 (EST)

4L, GEORGIA.  Al, 4L5A, states he will be very active in CQWW 160M CW 
Contest.  He will be using a Yaesu FT-1000MP and HF2500E amp into a
X-Q Quad antenna fixed on 124m tower. He will operate mainly on 1820 
kHz. QSL via IK3HHX.  There will be a special color QSL for this 
contest with a view of the antenna.

J7, DOMINICA. DL3LAR, DL8OBQ and DL6LAU will be active, February 12th
to March 3th including both ARRL contests and the CQWW 160m SSB Contest.
They "might" use the callsign J75T for all contacts made.  They will have
two complete stations with us, including 26m tall vertical for 160/80/40
meters and a 5 element log-periodic for 14-28 MHz.  They might signing
FG/homecall for a few days February 10-11th.  All QSLs should go to DL6LAU,
via the bureau or CBA.  Carsten Esch, DL6LAU, states, "We are thinking
about a stateside QSL-collector for us who might ship us the collected
direct stateside QSLs requests (to save some dollars) on both sides 
(AIR MAIL to US is 2US$ here!) any volunteers???"

JD, OGASAWARA.  The "Island/DX News" reports Aki, JD1AMA, is active
daily on 1908 kHz and listening 1826 kHz at his sunrise at 2122z.

KP4, PUERTO RICO.  Paul, K4UJ (ex KR4UJ), and Steve, K4WA (ex KR4DL),
will operate from KP4 January 22nd through January 27th, including
operation in the CQWW 160M CW Contest.  The contest callsign will be
KP4/K4UJ; operation outside the contest on all bands will be KP4/homecall.
QSL via homecall.

P2, PAPUA NEW GUINEA.  The "DX News Letter", report Dietmar, DL3DXX, and
Joerg, DL8WPX, will head for Misimi Island where they will stay from
February 20th until March 4th.  In Papua New Guinea, the team will be
joined by Falk, DK7YY, and Juergen, DL7UFN. A licence has been promised
orally. Emphasis will be put on lowband CW.  (These are the guys who put
VK9XY and VK9CR on 160 the past couple of W4ZV).

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