TopBand: Re: About your msg. NAQP & 160 SSB
LarryX Tyree contractor for brentc
Wed, 22 Jan 97 16:46:16 PST
Mauri - I4JMY writes:
> > Subject: Re: NAQP and 160 SSB
> Outside USA and some lucky country there can't exist and "act" a band plane
> like in other bands because 160m a band with hundreds of specific and
> different frequency restrictions.
This is true - there is much difficulty because of the different allocations.
> A band plan will mean place more than someone out of the game, and the
> others in the condition to be in a broad but closed "garden".
> The DX windows are knives with two blades, often there is more to suffer
> than to gain.
Well - I understand, but while there are some exceptions, it seems the
current allocations have been useful. Most countries can operate
between 1830 and 1850.
I think moving the US-US QSOs out of this region is a positive thing,
even though is does cause some problem to the DX ham who can't operate
above 1830.
> On 80m the dx window belongs to some lists where the same DX has contact
> hundreds of times with the same stations, and often the "game of the number"
> is played......first is ok, repeat it, less........
> ....and so on until the classic "good contact" ends the comedy.
This is mostly a problem on SSB which isn't used very often on 160 for
DXing from the west coast. If you can work DX on SSB, you probably
don't need the window anyway.
> Luckily on 160 we are not yet that level, but standard and very strict
> fragmentations of bands makes that frequency something to be conquered.
> Nearly 20 years ago I wouldn' ever made a SSB contact with a VK on 80 meters
> in the DX window, simply because they weren't allowed to come up 3795-3800.
> This apply now on 160m with a number of other countries, not only in SSB.
Sounds similar to having the JAs come up to the USA part of the band.
However, I don't operate 75 meter SSB enough to have a good opinion on
the impact and I don't want to start a new thread on that.
> Let's come to the Contests.
> I don't see anything terrible if an SSB area has CW traffic in a CW Contest,
> and the vice versa in a phone contest, in a band like 160m.
> If You think to 40m, between 7040 and 7100 there is plenty of SSB traffic
> outside USA, including VEs and SA, i've never heard complaints about, but
> regret for the need to work USA split, in the Broadcast mess.
> A big Contest, or a big activity are not common situations, within 24-48
> hours everything is stopped. Yes nearly all week-ends there is one or
> even more than a contest, but they are minor ones, leaving places to all
> the types of operation and modes.
Good point, although there is a difference in my mind between a DX
contest and a domestic contest. True, the increased activity will
require more spectrum, and on 160, that means CW activity will grow
into the SSB band. However, I think it can grow without taking up
the DX windows. There is lots of the band that can be used for
US-US QSOs. For DX to DX, there are lots of hours when the US
isn't coming in that they have available.
> In the Top Band, acting the opposite of the great majority, like putting a
> CW cq-call and QSOin' between 1830-1840, pretending to push away the great
> majority that's contesting SSB (the same is valid as a vice versa in a CW
> contest session), it is not the legal exercitation of the own pure right,
> but a no chance activity that adds QRM to QRM.
> This is true, simply because the "frequency" is not a private property, but,
> like a public shore in summer, something to share.
> If thousands of persons are taking sun tan, it is not fair to run,
> stepping on them, because "it is not prohibited to run" and it is a
> custom to run on the shore during the week when no one is there ??
> Frequency......
I think what we are trying to do with the DX window is let people run
on the beach and others get their suntans at the same time, without
having any conflicts.
> Stated that 10KHz are a ridiculous bandwidth for the nowaday traffic,
> (some one forgot that when stated, decades ago, there was no beam but awful
> receivers, and few Hams DXing on low bands...) and taken 1842.5 as the minimal
> LSB freq., the limit for domestic traffic should be placed 1852.5, and
> not 1850. Like you reported, up to 1850 there are only 3, more realistically
> 2, SSB channels for the whole DX traffic.
> A little bit small, when DXs are coming from east, west and south in the
> same time, or when someone is managing a couple of lists with the "guessin'
> numbers game", isn't it true ?
Well, SSB does have a small window, but again, it isn't a big thing from
the west coast.
> The 160m band is so complex in terms of set ups, and variegated in local band
> restrictions and DX short openings, that a fixed rule can't probably be the
> best solution.
Probably true.
> Some minded "flexibilyty" and the "use of brain and respect", let's name it
> agreement, can solve most of the problems, much more than rules, expecially
> were they can't anyway be applyed.
> Wasn't 160m called the "Gentlemans' band" ?
Yes - I hope people will see the value in keeping 1830 - 1840 open for
the increased enjoyment of the contest from those of us on the west
coast who have a hard time getting a shot at Europe during a contest.
Many "easy" countries aren't on all of the time, and if there is a
good opening during a contest, it provides a rare opportunity to work
many new countries. This happened in the CQ WW CW contest in 1995 where
I worked 10 new countries in one evening. Lucky for me, it was a
DX only contest.
The 5 kHz window was great during the ARRL 160 contest, but five kHz just
isn't enough for the activity.
> 73s Mauri, I4JMY (one of IR4T)
Mauri - you have joined Willy, UW9AR, as someone who I have a high respect
for their ability to express themselves in a second language!
Congratulations on your English!
73 Tree N6TR
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