TopBand: Yuri propagation
Fri, 24 Jan 1997 14:54:53 -0500 (EST)

In a message dated 97-01-24 00:23:59 EST, you write:

>I found that it looks like we are more ducting, than reflecting. You accept
>that its happening on VHF, why not on HF? 

Hi Yuri.

1.) Because I've never experienced anything behaving like tropo-ducting on
ten meters, let alone 160.

2.) Because even twenty meter propagation behaves much differently than 160
meter propagation, let alone VHF propagation.

3.) Because my experience shows that low incident radiation (skimming the
ionosphere) almost always produces poorer signals on 160 and 80 than slightly
higher angles (a sharper "bounce").

Does anyone know of any published research or scientific reports on HF
ducting, and what the titles of the documents might be?

73 Tom

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