TopBand: S21XX, S21XZ 2/3/97 .. 2/16/97

Joerg Puchstein
Mon, 27 Jan 1997 10:33:09 +-700

I just received a fax from our team-leader Hannes DL3NEO with the callsign info's for
our planned Bangladesh journey......

As announced already, Hannes DL3NEO, Mar DL3DXX and Joerg DL8WPX / YB1AQS
will arrive in Dhaka Sunday, 2nd of February. Mar and I will stay until 14th (then leaving
for Port Moresby / P2 to join Falk DK7YY and Juergen DL7UFN heading to Misisma Isl.),
Hannes until 17th of February.

Activity will be on all HF-Bands, NO Satellite this time (sry). Special emphasis will be given
again to the low bands (like in the last two years from VK9XY / VK9CR). A 20m / 66ft
Titanex vertical and Beverage-parts are in our baggage, RTTY modem also. Other antennas
are R7, R-7000 and wires.

Activity starts probably one day after arrival using the call S21XX. You'll find us on the 
standard DX-frequencies, mostly again in CW. In case we're working from 2 qth's 
(we'll carry 3 TRX) and in the last days after Mar and I left, Hannes will use the call S21XZ. 
S21XY has been assigned to us too, will only be used if necessary.

All QSL's are going via Hannes, DL3NEO. German bureau should be ok, direct address to
be announced later.

I'll leave Indonesia Saturday 2/1/97.
I still don't know the possibilities to connect to the internet from S2, so please don't try sending any 
info's, queries, flames during above scheduled timeframe until otherwise noticed ... I'll earliest be back
home 7th of March to have a look into the mailbox :-)

Due to the fact that this is a all time new one - at least for us going there - everything can happen.
So keep the fingers crossed ...

Hope to see you in the pile's.

73, Joerg YB1AQS / DL8WPX / S21XX

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