TopBand: LISTS
Brian Carling
Mon, 27 Jan 1997 15:43:26 +0000
Hi guys - I am new to this group.
The first band I ever listened in on was 160m. My first elmer ran 10
watts of AM on 160 and chatted in a roundtable every Saturday.
Later I got my ticket after years of listening to 160, 80 and 20m.
I haven't done any serious top band
DXing since the days when I had a good old shunt-fed tower vertical.
Now I just have a G5RV diipole but I still like to get into the
contests and give out a few points or even compete just a little with
my humble 100 watts!
Can anyone suggest a list like this one, where I can find a design
for a 160m band CW transmitter? Or a web site with same?
There seem to be lots of designs for rigs in the 80-10 meter bands.
I have seen very few for 160.
I still FONDLY remember hearing W1BB years ago from England, and
then working him from my TN station on top band.
Greetings to all - Bry
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