TopBand: Boring report
Larry Tyree
Tue, 1 Jul 1997 06:54:16 -0700 (PDT)
Well - it has been a long time since I have had anything to write
CY9AA braved the QRN and was worked by a number of west coast stations
last night. I worked them at 04:54, which is about 6 minutes off
from a QSO with CY0AA exactly one year prior! I will work on my
statisitics based upong July 1 start/stop.
They were on 1824.11 working up about 2 or 2.5 kHz.
There was one station calling up only a half of a kHz, and then someone
telling them over an over to go up, which made it hard to know for sure
they were responding to me. However the timing was right and they were
sending me my RST for the fifth time. Just confirmmed the QSO on 20
That makes #156 worked - been about 3 months since my last new one.
The OTHER big news (yes - there is more) is that the QSL card for ZS8IR
arrived in the mail box. Just holding the card in my hand brought back
the whole excitement of the QSO. Now I know why we collect these things.
It helped make up for missing another station in that part of the world
with the same suffix.
I was puzzled by the posting made by DL3KDV yesterday. It looks like a
VERY long echo - maybe about 6 months long. I was listening on the
band Sunday night (looking for CY9) and there were no signals at all.
The Stew Perry results have ended up in my lap. I am working to get
them published in a magazine and the will be another running of the event
(looks like the same rules and weekend). Hope we have great conditions
like we did last time.
Now we start thinking about when Europe can be worked again. DF2PY
was worked 54 days before the longest day of the year. That would
make August 13th the same distance away - so maybe in about 4 or 5
weeks it could happen!!
73 Tree N6TR / K7RAT
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