TopBand: Bored in Oregon - N6TR
Larry Tyree
Tue, 18 Mar 1997 07:00:57 -0800 (PST)
Conditions for the last week seem to be very good - for about 46
of the 50 states. Even KH6CC has been working Europeans and Africans.
However - here in Boring, Oregon - things have been pretty dismal.
Part of it might be the QRN from the rain. I could hear a dit or
an occasional dah from G3PQA several nights ago. My last QSO with
Europe was on 11 March (G3PQA again). I also worked ZS4TX that night
and dreamed of working WAC in one night - but there wasn't a South
American to be found (even got up in the middle of the night to try).
So - it must be time to get on with normal life for 6 months and
wait for next season. Lots of other things to get done.
On Monday I get the kids alone - and they were keeping each other
busy (the not quite two year old has discovered Wallace and Gromit and
can't get enough of it). So, I find some time to check the band.
At 0308Z, I find a weak signal being called by the west coast. Could
it be a European opening? Naw - turns out to be PY1BVY who gets in
the log shortly after hearing him. Too bad he wasn't around a week
ago! Still - it is nice to work a South American - and who knows,
maybe the band will open up and I can try WAC again.
I see a spot for 3DA0CA on 80CW - I fire up the other rig and work him
after a few calls (0329Z). Not bad for a 45 foot tower loaded as a
Back to 1829 and there is ZS5LB - a little early - and he seems to be
having problems hearing. It is only 0335Z and his peak is probably
40 minutes away.
Then I see yet another one of those packet spots that drives you
nuts - K7CA spotting ZS8IR on 1822 "loud on the west coast". Sure.
K7CA and KC7V have been working tons of stuff during the last week
and I have heard none of it. But - I give up on Bert and tune down
to 1822.
The packet spot said up 3 - and I found someone on 1825 who was
sending QSL - so I put my transmitter there. I hear a signal on
1822 and start calling. After a minute - I hear what I thought
was an east coast station say "N6?". I figured he was helping
by repeating what Chris had sent. I call again and the signal
comes back N6TR N6TR 599 599! I give a report and a clean QSL
comes back and signs ZS8IR... This was much easier than a 40
meter QSO we had a month ago about an hour after his sunrise.
The QSO was at 0340Z.
Now I tune up to 1825 to see who else is calling. Who wasn't?
This was easily the biggest pileup I have ever busted through
on 160. Chris then says he has QRN and is having problems
hearing people... NI6T gets through after me and in about 15
minutes - it is all over. What a thrill!!!
Spend a few minutes checking on the kids and after some CQs, ZS5LB
calls me for a second African QSO (0405Z). Now my attention goes
to Europe. Would you believe I heard a new country in Europe? HA8BE
was coming in pretty well around 0445Z on 1831 BUT HE COULDN'T HEAR
ME! It is very rare for a European to CQ back to my face (unless
his call starts with EA3 and ends with a dit). I guess working a
new European country the same night as ZS8IR would have been even
too much for me. N2BI calls me after the HA8 is gone for Oregon -
I am happy to have a north american QSO in the log. KH6AT gets in
at 0455Z.
But - the good news is that Europe is coming through. Nothing much
heard for awhile - I try some CQs and am told an SM is calling. I
hear nothing.
WD4JRA calls cq up around 1836 and I hear him work G3PQA. John is
not very strong - but I NEED A EUROPEAN! John and I have a QSO
at 05:58 and I nab GW4VEQ at 0625 (barely - he was peaking during
his QSO with Montana - which I helped out with an occasional "K"
as I seemed to be hearing him better than the station in Montana).
Shortly after the QSO with GW4VEQ - on about the same frequency (1831)
ZL2SQ shows up for another Oceania QSO. I figure the sunset in
Japan is 0840 and it is now 06:43 - so I go do some chores and
wait for the sun to go down in the land of the rising sun.
Working JA on 160 is something that can be done year round from
this QTH - although some mornings can be very rough. After CQing
for an hour and only working HK7/SM5HV (for my second South American),
I decide I will have to wait for morning. I go to bed around 0945Z and
get up at 13:20 UTC (boy the sun sure is rising early these days).
I hear nothing on the band and call some more JA CQs and hear nothing.
Finally, I hear a signal on 1911 finishing a CQ - but all I copy is
"DX". Then another CQ - BV7FC! I work him on 1911 simplex at 13:29
and complete my WAC in one night (first time this season). JR6RAH
comes through at 14:25 for an insurance QSO. I now have worked WAC
twice in one night (W7DLE in Tenn checked in at 0831Z).
Guess those other project will just have to wait a while longer.
73 Tree N6TR
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