TopBand: Interesting night in Washington
Thu, 20 Mar 1997 04:42:38 +0000
Thanks to N6TR's tip about ZS8IR I was on 160 early tonight.
Actually listening to Europe on 80 1/2 hour before my sunset, I knew things
would get interesting later on 160.
Exactly at my sunset 0200Z, OZ7C is calling CQ but I cant get through the
east coast crowd. In a few minutes VP2EUC shows up and spends sevearl hours
on and off all evening on 1828. At 2:20Z F5LGE shows up on 1830.5 and
judging from the east coast pileup he must be the last frenchman on
160..again no matter let the mob QRM each other I'm looking for a rarer
fish. At 0315 HB9ATA and TI4/K6KM are sharing the bandwith small pile ups,
so far no sign of ZS8IR. Then as if by magic at 03:30 on 1822 ZS8IR shows
calling CQ with a signal to rival the caribean stations including KN4UG/VP5
who is up on 1827. ZS8IR quickly draws a crowd and just to see who is
really hearing him he pulls a reversal and says QSX DN 2 . Three tries
later and he is in the log. All those months of waiting and thewn its over
in 5 minutes. The adrenalin levels in my system will keep me awake for a
while tonite. Another text book QSO..Equinox and sunrise at the DX location.
I go and try andf bleed off some of the adrenalin. Back st the rig at
04:15Z not a european to be heard, VP2EUC is still plugging away thgough.
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