TopBand: V5 info from OPDX Bulletin

Bill Tippett btippett@CTC.Net
Sun, 30 Mar 1997 18:11:15 -0500 (EST)

V5, NAMIBIA. Charlie, W0YG, will once again head for V5 in July, but he
will be active mobile.  He will be using 500 watts, and will again try
80 and 160 meters.  Charlie states, "My signal wont be strong on these
bands, but at least I will attempt it with a little different twist in
the installation."  He also mentions that he is trying for A2, Z2 and
9J licenses.  Charlie says this will take time, and he is not sure he
can do it in the amount he has left before he leaves July 23rd.

QSL MIX-UP (V5/W8UVZ AND V5/ZS6YG).  Charlie, W0YG (ex KY0A), reports
  that both  George, W8UVZ, and he are getting a lot of cards meant for
  each other.  QSL V5/W8UVZ QSOs "only" to W8UVZ.  QSL V5/ZS6YG QSOs
  "only" to W0YG.  Do not try to send QSLs for V5/ZS6YG to the ZS Bureau.
  They will probably never get to him.  QSL V51Z, their ARRL CW Contest
  callsign, to ZS6EZ "only".

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