TopBand: 160m dinner at Dayton
Thu, 22 May 1997 10:00:04 -0400 (EDT)
Hi Garry
Great posting! And, yes - That dinner presentation by K4UEE was the
highlight of my Dayton. It was also great seeing so many 160M brethren all
together PLUS the vy fine turnout of OVERSEAS hams again this year.
The SM's were out in force this year and it was nice meeting 4Z4DX in the FRC
suite Sat night.
I agree a cocktail hour of chatting where one may
"mill - about" would have enhanced this affair. It would also be very
advantageous lining up a LARGER spot next time.
I think W8UVZ and W9ZR have definitely started something wonderful with these
gatherings. I think they will continue to generate strong attendance in the
future and it would be a shame to have to limit attendance - other than this
Reflector, we don't get to really see and talk with each other in person vy
The after dinner speaker concept was outstanding - Continuing it as a
tradition surely makes sense to me.
It's funny really - when I first started going to Dayton around 1975 I always
spent most of my time with the contest crowd. Then one year Arch Doty,
K8CFU/4, (who pioneered elevated radials for 160M verticals) suggested one
night over the air just before Dayton that we 160M types ought to gather in
the NJDXA suite in the evenings.
I decided to check it out and had a blast. If my memory serves me correctly
that year we had over 75 160M guys in the suite.
Wal, W8LRL, gave a slide show presentation which included pictures of ZL2BT
(now deceased), NP4A, K1PBW and many other stations. It was the first time I
got to meet guys like AA1K, HB9AMO, K5UR and many others.
Anyway, since then, my focus has gravitated toward the 160M crowd while
there. And, I've kept coming back when I can to meet with the guys and share
experiences about Topband.
As K4UEE noted, we Topband types all share a very unique interest in ham
radio, enjoy the challenge of doing what others think impossible or at least
very difficult and somehow manage to stay motivated in spite of many many
frustrations along the way.
Hope to be able to do this year after year - As you said, Kudos to W9ZR and
W8UVZ for a very fine evening! Well done!
73 Jeff
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