TopBand: MV Island and Willis expeditions
Bill Tippett
Sun, 25 May 1997 18:00:06 -0500 (EST)
>From OPDX Bulletin # 306:
MALYJ VYSOTSKIJ ISLAND (ex-4J1). Jari, OH2BU/OH7RF, reports the following:
After a nearly two year hiatus, Malyj Vysotskij (ex 4J1-) will be
reactivated this coming June. This 7th M-V Island DXpedition will start
operations late afternoon (local) on Thursday, June 5th, and run through
Monday morning, June 16th. Two callsigns are in use, OH5AB/MVI and R1MVI.
Both calls reflect the uniqueness of this DXCC country located within
the territory of Russia but under the control of Finland. Malyj Vysotskij,
or Ravansaari, (EU-117) is located in the Bay of Vyborg northwest of St.
Petersburg. The all-band, all-mode operation, involving twelve operators
from Finland and Russia, will be running at least three complete stations
24 hours a day. Look for this operation on the following frequencies:
CW - 1830, 3501, 7045, 10101, 14025, 18069, 21025, 24891 and 28025
SSB - 1845, 3795, 7045, 14195/14295, 18145, 21295, 24945 and 28495
RTTY - 14084, 18104, 21084 and 28084 kHz
There will also be some local 144 and 432 MHz operation, but there will
be no satellite operation. Operators are Orvo/OH5NE, Ari/OH5KUY, Eero/OH5PT,
Veikko/OH5YB, Pentti/OH5WR, Alex/RV1AC, Alex/RU1AS, Alex/RZ1AZ, Vasiliy/
RV1AN, Igor/RN1AB, Vlad/RA1ACQ and Vlad/RW1CW. All operators are from
Lappeenranta and St.Petersburg Radio Clubs. QSL manager for OH5AB/MVI
and R1MVI is: OH5NE, Orvo Arkko, Muukko, FIN-53400 LAPPEENRANTA, FINLAND.
VK9W, WILLIS ISLAND. The Oceania DX Group (ODXG) is planning a DXpedition
here with the following operators: Harry/VK4DHM, Bob/VK4MR, Jon/VK4CY,
Ann/WA1S, Jon/K7CO/VK2DXT, Gaby/XE2Z/XE2GV, Elvira/IV3FSG, Eric/FK8GM,
Bill/VK4FW and one JA YL yet to be announced. The ten operators plan to
leave Cairns, Australia, on September 9th, on the 60 foot vessel called
"FLOREAT". This journey will take approx. 30 hours and the DXpedition
will have over 3 tons of equipment which include 800 litres of petrol.
Their 12 day stay on the island will consist of 2 separate campsites
set up to operate up to 6 complete HF stations and 1 on 6 meters. They
plan to operate 160-10 meters, SSB, CW and RTTY. The budget for this
Dxpeditions is $32,400 (USD). Donations are most welcome no matter how
big or small. They report that they are fortunate that the vessel has
been secured at a reasonable rate, or it would have been $40,000 (USD).
Donations can be sent to ODXG WILLIS EFFORT, P.O. BOX 929 Gympie, QLD 4570,
AUSTRALIA. A ODXG Dxpedition home page detailing the Willis Island trip by
ODXG members has been put online at:
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