TopBand: ZJ Beverage Box Comments and Update de K5PC

km1h @
Thu, 06 Nov 1997 09:18:32 EST

On Wed, 5 Nov 1997 17:25:05 -0600 (Phil Clements)
>At 04:47 PM 11/5/97 -0500, you wrote:
>>I wrote ZJ, which a month later sent me a replacement device, gratis.
>      I sent my box back in, and it was repaired gratis...also took 
>>My ZJ Box did not come with a schematic which is my main complaint.
>      Mine also. It is much faster to be able to repair it myself.

A competent tech can copy that circuit in 10 minutes and generate a
schematic. There are only 20 components on the PC board and 12 of them
are the filter. 

>>I agree that it is an odd choice, but my Avantek Semiconductor Data 
>>shows that the power gain and other MMIC specs are flat from about 
>0.1 to
>>about 1 or 2 GHz, depending on the specific device. Also, the Avantek 
>>gain versus frequency chart shows them being flat to DC!   Therefore, 
>>device should be suitable for 1.8 Mhz.
>     These devices work fine at 1.8 mhz, as advertized. I experience 
>none of
>     the overload problems eluded to in earlier posts. The B.C. band 
>     is super! I have a 50kw B.C. station 4 miles away (WBAP, 820khz) 
>and when
>     my RX is tuned to that freq., I can detect no signal at all! Also 
>     way the box mounts directly to the ground rod is nifty. 

>     some of us small-lot city dwellers do not have room for 
>beverages, and
>     we need the preamp for use with EWE's and other compromise 

Very true and the antenna signal levels are much lower than on a long
Beverage. After all it is sold as a Beverage Box...not a EWE box; at
least in the literature I have here.
At this QTH I am surrounded with 5KW BC stations in the 3 to 10 mile
range and most of them are above 1400KHz. The IMD generated in all of the
ZJ boxes repaired here make 160M useless for weak signal DXing.  Perhaps
if I were to build a BC filter properly matched to the ZJ input impedence
it would help.
The ZJ filter is after the 9:1 xfmr and before the MMIC. The 9:1 xfmr has
both input and output windings to a common ground and all other grounds (
filter, DC bypass, etc) are also common on the PC board. This is asking
for ground loop problems.  As mentioned here previously by many others
that is a poor way to operate a Beverage.  

I have another ZJ box here for repair that I have not even opened the
shipping box yet. 
I'll be glad to run some tests....any suggestions?

I have found an old Palomar 3N204 tuneable preamp to have an extremely
high Q on 160/80M  and a big help in even eliminating in-band IMD on my
conventional Beverages.  The bandwidth is about 10KHz and I set the gain
for minimum...about 5dB. 

73   Carl   KM1H

>     My EWE and the ZJ box have allowed several very rare DX QSO's on 
>     80 and 160 meters which would not have been possible otherwise. 
>     preamp being at the antenna gives me a better S/N ratio, as I 
>     all underground utilities in my neighborhood, and the EWE is only 
>5 feet
>     from a transformer.
>I had previously described the fix I used to protect my ZJ box by 
>installing a
>miniature pilot lamp between the antenna binding post and the RF input 
>to the
>board. It has taken this long to prove its worth, but I finally had a 
>this week. There was no weather in the area, so the "hit" was from 
>either my
>80 meter or 160 meter verticals, which are only 15-20 feet from the 
>EWE. The
>hit was so hard that it turned the inside of the bulb totally black 
>vaporized the filament. The MMIC and transformer came out unscathed! I
>the lamp and put the EWE back in service. It takes 35 cents and 5 
>minutes to
>add a major protection for the box. I highly recommend the ZJ 
>Phil, K5PC
>>     KM1H siad there had been a discussion of the ZJ Beverage Box 
>which can
>>be found in the archives. So more information is available there.  He 
>>said that the ZJ  Boxes had been shipped with "at least 4 different" 
>>including the MAR1, MAR3, and others. He stated that some of those 
>>needed different biasing.  He also stated the ZJ Box was subject to 
>>and IMD.  Carl said the "ultraminature 9:1 balun is just as bad."  
>>W8JI suggested replacing the MMIC with "a regular CATV transistor." 
>>     W4MPY wrote that his ZJ beverage box filled up with water and 
>that he
>>has tried unsuccessfully to get help from ZJ.
>>      Both W8JI and KM1H stated that a good beverage will not 
>generally need
>>a preamplifier.
>>      K0CS kindly sent me a MAR-3 device which had been supplied by 
>ZJ as a
>>replacement device. 
>>      Looking at the various Avantek MMIC specs (I can not find my 
>>reference to compare the Avantek MSA MMICs to the MAR MMICS) I see 
>>MMICs with very similar specs (in some cases just different plastic 
>>ie. cases).  Almost all of them require 4.5 to 5.5 volts DC.  I 
>suspect the
>>several different MMICs supplied in the ZJ boxes have identical specs 
>at 1.8
>>MHz and that biasing is not an issue.  For those who need to replace 
>>MMIC, a MAR-1, MAR-3 or equivalent should work fine.  MMICs are 
>listed in
>>several of my electronic catalogs for about a dollar each.
>>     I hope the above is useful information and that some of you get 
>your ZJ
>>beverage boxes back up and running.  Unfortuately, mine still is not 
>>after I replaced the MMIC.  I suspect that the ultraminature balun, 
>as KM1H
>>described it, needs replacement.  Not sure I want to proceed until I 
>get a
>>schematic.  Does anyonwe have one?
>>See also my next post on beverage transformers.
>>Doug  W0AH
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