TopBand: Beverage baluns/transformers de W0AH
km1h @
Thu, 06 Nov 1997 14:06:18 EST
On Thu, 6 Nov 1997 10:22:58 -0600 (Phil Clements)
>At 08:40 AM 11/6/97 -0500, you wrote:
>> Hi, Phil. Quick question re core mix... For some reason, I
>>thought that the mix basically defined the top frequency end, to
>>hysteresis loss, and the LF end wasn't affected much by mix. Don't
>>my ref materials here at work, so cannot find info. Your inputs,
>>73- George, W4BUW
>Hi George,
>Amidon offers nine mixes for powdered iron:
>Mix 26........ D.C. to 1.omhz
>Mix 3......... .05-.5 mhz
>Mix 15........ .1-2.0 mhz
>Mix 1......... .5-5 mhz
>Mix 2......... 1-30 mhz
>Mix 6......... 3-50 mhz
>Mix 10......., 5-100 mhz
>Mix 12/17..... 20-200 mhz
>Mix 0......... 50-300 mhz
>For ferrite, there are 10 mixes:
>Mix 43........ .01-1 mhz
>Mix 61........ .2-10 mhz
>Mix 63........ 15-25 mhz
>Mix 67........ 10-80 mhz
>Mix 68........ 80-180 mhz
>Mix 72........ .001-1.0 mhz
>Mix 75........ .2-15 mhz
>Mix 77........ .001-1 mhz
>Mix F......... .001-1.0 mhz
>Mix J......... .001-1 mhz
>Phil, K5PC
An important and missed point:
All of those above frequencies are ONLY for reasonant circuits. For
wideband use in baluns, etc. the frequencies are VERY different.
For instance Ferrite Mix 43 is now 1-50MHz and 61 Mix is now 2-100MHz. It
pays to read all the specs. Also note that any of those specs are not
absolutes; they are suggested for optimum performance but are not cast in
Another thing....Amidon produces nothing...Nada. They are strictly one of
many distributors. The powdered iron mentioned above is manufactured by
Micrometals Corp. The ferrites mentioned are manufactured by FaiRite
Corp. Other players are TDK, Allen Bradley, Seimens, Philips, Ferroxcube
and probably more.
When dealing with ferrite it is particularly important to consider the
loss tangent of the material at the frequencie(s) of interest. That is
why I KEEP stating that cores with a mu of 5000 and 10000 are no good for
Beverage xfmrs unless you want them as a dummy load.
73 Carl KM1H
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