TopBand: Skewed propagation, TX RX angles

km1h @
Mon, 17 Nov 1997 09:49:23 EST

On Mon, 17 Nov 1997 08:58:36 +0000
>> From:          Bill Tippett <btippett@CTC.Net>
>>         From here on the east coast, the same happens on paths to
>> the Far East since Magnetic North from here is 355 degrees.  Signals
>> from JA quite frequently skew to the south during geomagnetic
>> disturbances.  I never saw skew from Colorado to JA since the JA
>> bearing (315 degrees from CO) was nowhere close to Magnetic North 
>> degrees).
>Same observations here Bill.
>When the signal is near the geomagnetic pole, the path often skews 
>30 or so degrees. In Ohio, I noticed that with VS6DO morning after 
>morning. VU, JT1 and others were that way also.
>Never, in almost 30 years of 160 DXing, have I observed Eu or 
>Africa signals skewing. 

Tom and the group,

I suspect there are numerous differences based on geography. Skewing of
the EU stations via Africa is quite common here during disturbed
conditions. What I usually note is that the Northern EU stations are
either completely lacking or very weak and only on direct path. Central
and Southern EU most often peak on the 90 degree antenna but at times
have been best on the 135 degree one. 
Most often I have a very hard time working EU under those condx wheras
the stations to the south are having a feeding frenzy. 

JA is seldom heard or worked direct path. Due West is workable and when
skewed to the SW they are easy. 

I recollect that Middle East has also shown skewing over Central
Africa...or is it really over the ocean? 
On 6M during F2 it was often necessary to beam the South Atlantic to work
EU and they did the same. With highly directional antennas it was easy to
spot the location of the reflection. Up there we call it sidescatter. I
wonder if there is any correlation?

73  Carl  KM1H

>>From Georgia the JA's are always NW and signals are there morning 
>after morning, but from Ohio they used to peak short and often be 
>more west than north west.
>73, Tom W8JI
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