TopBand: HS on 160

Takeshi Yoshida
Fri, 21 Nov 1997 19:01:03 +0900

At 06:29 97/11/20 -0500, Bill W4ZV wrote; 
> Stig, LA7JO, says HS0AC will be on 160 and 80 meters from 5 to 7 
> December and again from 12 to 14 December.  Look for them to be on or
> near 1826.  QSL via LA7JO.  Tham, E21CJN, reports the Thailand PTD
> will allow all stations from Thailand to transmit on 80 and 160 
> meters during the CQ World Wide CW DX Contest.  This is great news as
> Zone 26 is in high demand on both 80 and 160 meters.  Stations from 
> Thailand could possibly do single band efforts on 80 and 160 meters.
> E22AAA and HS0AC will both be multi-multi in the CQ WW CW.

To Bill W4ZV,
  "Very congratulations on your marriage in advance and happiness to you !" 

To top-banders, 

 ** This is an old info from Ray G3NOM's letter dated 6-March-1993 ** 
             // snip // 
I don't know whether you are aware that 160m is not normally permitted 
on the main land of Thailand. However, at HS0AC we have special per-
mission to run a beacon on 1830 Khz each week on Wednesday evenings 
from 13 to 14z on CW.  However, this has been discontinued for the 
summer months, and due to antenna problems. I hope to have the beacon 
running again around September. 

There is a similar ban on 80m operation and WARC bands on the main 
land, but they do allow us to operate on 80m during international 

Therefore, one of the attractions of operating from E28DX Koh Samui is. 
was that the authorities did not impose the usual restrictions due to 
being off the mainland. we are considering returning to E28DX, possibly 
in May 1993 or next autumn because propagation conditions were so poor 
on our last visit. If so, you can rest assured that 160m operation will 
be a major objective. 

There is another possiblity that if we can get a good 160m antenna up 
at HS0AC we could perhaps get special permission to operate in one of 
the international 160m DX contests. I think next autumn/winter would be 
the best time.        // snip // 

73 de Ray,  HS0/G3NOM,  Station manager HS0AC 

Ray answered me for my question on 160m QRV in HS country, and then 
I could get "E28DX" & "9M0A/Spratly is." on 160m by his efforts 
in April 1994. 

I guess the following e-mail address is still alive.
   Ray Gerrard G3NOM: <> (Now in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ?) 

FB DX and 73,      de  Yosi JA3AAW

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