TopBand: DX vs. Static, Round 1

Bill Hohnstein
Sat, 29 Nov 1997 09:04:32 -0800

  I'm not sure what to make of the first night of CQWWCW on 160...
I got home around 0030z and found the summer-like static still there.
I quickly worked EA8ZS but wondered if that would be it from across
the Atlantic until near EU sunrise.
  My view changed at 0052 when I heard a good signal from YL3DW.
I ended up working him and a total of 40 Europeans.  Not overly
impressive if not for the fact that the average contact had me
listening to the DX station for 5 minutes trying to get their call
between the over S9 static crashes.  This caused problems with
being sure that I was being called, getting reports, and possible
  The "polar paths did warm up."  East and northern Europe had the
propagation advantage to Nebraska.  Some stations worked were:
RZ3QU, UA2FJ, OY7JD, UA4PWW, S50U, UA9XJV (0505z), and EW3HWB.
  I couldn't motivate myself to get up too early this morning but
managed to work 11 JA's in 50 minutes.  Then I copied DX1S from
1344 - 1351z (1328 sunrise) before giving up since he was only
listening for JA's.
  I'm getting ready to take off my belt for round 2...

73,  Bill     K0HA

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