TopBand: Alternatives to the inverted L

Stan Seiffert
Fri, 3 Oct 1997 12:02:32 -0700

I am using a T antenna.  A continuous 140 ft. long wire is strung between two trees and about 60 feet up.  It is fed at the center  against 4 elevated 1/4 wavelength radials about 10 ft up.  The vertical portion is two wires spaced about a foot apart.  One is fed against the radials.  The other is connected to the radials resulting in a top loaded folded monopole.  The advantage is that the feed point impedance works out close enough to 50 ohms that it can be fed directly with coax without the need for any matching device (other than the second wire).  It  seems to work fine, probably the same as an inverted L.  The radials are not grounded and the feed line is coiled up below the feed point to hopefully form a rf choke.  I don't know if that makes any difference, but, it makes me feel better.  I am planning to play with vertical loops on the computer.  Does anybody else have any ideas for wires strung from trees??
                     73   Stan
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