TopBand: 160M Condx 6 Oct 0300-0630z
Mon, 6 Oct 1997 12:25:42 -0400 (EDT)
Hi Guys
Well the propagation Gods seem to have come full-circle again!
Last night 160M produced some spectacular over the pole openings from Europe
into W6 and W7 for at least several hours.
While there wasn't a whole lot of volume to be worked, signals levels were
quite good and I heard K0HA and N7UA having a blast working Eu after Eu.
I also heard many other W6 and W7 stns joining the fun as well
Curiously enough, this prop seemed to go right over me here in NY as I called
one station and worked him - an LA9 who gace me a 459 report while he had
been giving the 6's and 7's much better reports. Another station who was
getting no callers I called - and he didn't even hear me at all.
Several other East coast guys and I spotted all we heard for the guys out
West to call - and I think it may have helped out a bit. I finally nodded
off around 0530Z - it was still going on then and from the spots I saw when I
woke up again around 10Z, it seemed like K0HA had had a fun night.
Congrats to all - it was fun listening in to the far West have what must have
been a GREAT night! Hope u have more of them this season.
73 Jeff
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