TopBand: Folded unipoles
Mon, 6 Oct 1997 22:39:19 +0000

> From:          Peter Chadwick <>

> The arguments about folding raising radiation resistance or not are
> interesting. If it doesn't alter the radiation resistance, what is the
> radiation resistance (as opposed to feed impedance) of a folded dipole?

You can find that in Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems, 
Jordan-Balmain, on page 403 in  "Antenna Fundamentals".  

The radiation resistance of a thin freespace folded dipole of any 
number of wires, using the IRE standard definition, is  about 73 
ohms. You can also find this in early commercial texts dealing with 
the folded dipole.

> 75 ohms?  It's interesting that Lamont V. Blake in his book 'Antennas'
> (Wiley, 1966) says that 'If  there is no ohmic loss in the antenna -
> that is, if all the input power is radiated - then the radiation
> resistance referred to the feed point is equal to the resistive
> component of the antenna input impedance'.

You'll probably go blind reading all the esoteric definitions, uses, 
and mis-uses of radiation resistance. I spent years researching the 
topic, and I can quote many "definitions". Three of the most common 

1.) The terminal resistance at any point the user chooses in the 
radiating system in a lossless system.

2.) The resistance at the current loop in a system in a lossless 

3.) The total power radiated as EM energy divided by the square of 
effective current causing that radiation taken at the current maximum 
of the radiator.

Number three is the IRE method as defined in the late 1940's.

No matter which definition you use, the results are all the same. 
Folding the element does NOT increase efficiency nor does it reduce 
ground currents.

The error most people make is they take the loss resistance (like it 
is a resistor they can hold in their hands), and use that loss 
resistance in comparisons against a value of radiation resistance 
taken at another point or a different way in the system. Such misuse 
is like measuring the loss resistance at one end of a transformer, 
and comparing the UN-transformed loss resistance to a TRANSFORMED 
impedance on another separate winding. 

Efficiency, radiation resistance, or loss resistance can not be 
determined without knowing the intensity of the radiated field in any 
practical SW, HF, or MW frequency system. When measuring the terminal 
impedance of any antenna, while fussing around with the radiator 
or ground system, we really have almost no idea what we are doing. I 
can make a poor efficiency 65 foot vertical antenna that has a 
combined base and radial resistance of two ohms, or two hundred ohms. 
The base impedance tells me NOTHING, except what the base impedance 

> Certainly raising the feed impedance can help reduce matching network
> losses by reducing the large currents.

If you use a nichrome coil or a conventional inductor operating at 
very high loaded Q's that may be true, but most conventional 
matching networks operate at low loaded Q values and are so 
efficient even modest components produce nearly 100 percent 

Do this test. 

1.) Turn a 100 watt table lamp on for five minutes, then quickly shut 
off the power and touch the bulb. This will give you an idea 
what 100 watts of lost power "feels like" in that amount of surface 

2.) Now do the same with your transmitter into your worrisome 
antenna matching system. Shut off the transmitter and quickly touch 
the base matching components.

I suspect most of us won't be burning our fingers on our matching 
systems. Even one dB of loss would quickly destroy a matching 
transformer or matching network at legal power levels.

Finally, let's consider what you REALLY do when you add a folded 
element, and not use any "buzz-words".

Assume you have a 1/4 wl monopole over a perfect ground, and have one 
ampere of radiator current. The current flowing into the ground 
terminal HAS to equal the current in the base of the monopole (if the 
feedline is not radiating). You have one ampere flowing into the 
ground terminal, and one ampere in the radiator. Let's assume the 
power is 30 watts. The base impedance is 30/1*1, or 30 ohms. The 
feedline voltage is 30 volts and the current is one ampere.

Now add a second radiator very near the first one of the very same 
size, connecting them like a "folded unipole". Feed them with the 
same power. The current equally divides between the two wires, and 
they each now carry 1/2 ampere. The impedance of any ONE wire is now 
30 watts/ .5*.5, or 30 over .25......  meaning the impedance of 
any ONE wire at the base is 120 ohms! The current flowing into the 
ground is one half ampere from each wire, for a total of one ampere! 
The feedline current is one half ampere, and because the termination 
impedance of the feedline is four times higher the voltage is twice 
as high. The feedline power remains 30 watts, the ground current 
remains one ampere, the NET current in the radiator (divided 
between two conductors) is still one ampere, the total power radiated 
is still 30 watts. 

The only thing that changed is the feedline current is now 1/2 ampere 
at 60 volts, which is STILL 30 watts.

We could do the same thing with an L network, or a simple 
transformer. But make no mistake about it, no matter what method we 
use ground loss would remain EXACTLY the same.

Adding ground loss into this equation makes no difference at all. 
Since ground CURRENT remains the same, ground loss remains the same 
in either system. Any thoughts to the contrary are absolutely 

73, Tom W8JI
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