TopBand: Lord Howe...How?

Thu, 09 Oct 1997 06:49:45 +1000

Dear friends, 
thanks for your kind help!
Yes, you can send your donation to Dan, K8RF as well. He is on VP5
next week. I will let you know his postal/ bank details soon.
If you want to send donation direct to me over here, please
send it as International Money Order or e-mail your Credit card details.
For small amounts (up to lets say $5) you can send the cash.
Our postal service is the world best, I don't think it would be a
Once again, thank you very much.

K3SX, K0IL (and others) wrote:

At 11:08 AM 10/7/97 -0400, you wrote:
>Nick and Dan,
>What is the safest and fastest  method to send a donation?  Can we
>stateside send it to Dan K8RF?  If you and Dan decide that would work,
>please post it to all on the Reflector. I know, in the past, I have had
>difficulties sending donations, in check form, to non USA based addresses.
>The principal difficulties have been postal theft for cash  or funds  for
>handling fees with checks.
>You will not recognize this email address as it is the work email.
>Sid. K3SX
Date: Tue, 7 Oct 1997 16:39:26 -0500
From: "" <>
Subject: Re: [DX] VK9LX Lord Howe Is
X-Orcl-Application: In-Reply-To:'s message of 07-Oct-97 06:29

>Howdy Nick! 
>What would be the best way to send, IRCs, check, or Intl. 
>money order or something else?  I'll mention this at our radio club meeting 
>this Friday.
>de ed -- Radio K0iL 

VK9LX wrote:
> Dear TopBanders, DXers and Contesters,
> No doubt you are already aware of the upcoming DXpedition to Lord Howe
> Island  VK9LX ( Nov. 23rd - Dec. 1st / CQWW CW Contest) by K8RF and
> myself. Our aim is to be on low bands before the contest as much as
> possible, particularly 160m.
> Due to the cancellation of the 3C0 expedition we have an opportunity to
> borrow the Battle Creek Special. Our many thanks to George, W8UVZ, and
> Ted, N8GZ, for making this possible. Without the BCS your chances to
> work us would be very slim. ( Thanks also to Oceania DX Group and VK4FW
> for making available their A3SDX Cushcraft beam ).
> Unfortunately, we are faced with both time and financial constraints in
> our effort to get the Battle Creek Special antenna to Lord Howe. The
> time problem has been solved thanks to a friend of ours in the airlines
> who has agreed to go to Detroit, collect the antenna, bring it back to
> Sydney and then take it to Malaysia in time for the G3XTT  Spratley
> expedition ( an all up trip of some 40,000 km ). This trip will cost
> approx. US$500.
> As the Lord Howe DXpedition is without any commercial sponsors our
> budget is already stretched to the limit. For this reason I appeal to
> you, my fellow ham friends, for any monetary donations that you may be
> willing and able to provide. Any amount. Every $ helps.
> Please send your donations to:  Lord Howe Island Dxpedition  VK9LX
>                                                 Nick Hacko
>                                                 P.O Box 730
>                                                 Parramatta NSW 2124
>                                                 Australia
> or you can contact me on tel +61 2 9891 1470 or email
> The above address may also be used as QSL route.
> A list of all donors will be prepared and mentioned on this reflector.
> Thanks in advance to all of you for your support and good wishes!
> Nick, VK2ICV (VK9LX)

[ no jokes this time...   ;-) ]  
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