TopBand: KH5 / KH5K
Kimo C. Chun
Mon, 13 Oct 1997 23:40:20 -1000 (HST)
On 10/13, Bill W4ZV wrote:
>The following was in the latest issue of The Daily DX. Anyone know
>what a "160 meter TJ vertical" is?
>73, Bill W4ZV
>Tony, WA4JQS, tells The Daily DX that W7KW had a 160 meter TJ
>vertical sent to Hawaii for Chuck's, N4BQW, operation on Palmyra.
>Chuck will be active from 17 to 25 October as N4BQW/KH5 on all bands.
>While on the island he will have to work about 2 hours a day for the
>Fish and Wildlife Service. When not working he will put this rare
>one on as long as he can stay awake. Chuck knows the rarity of this
>one in Europe and will be putting an emphasis on them. After Palmyra
>he has been assured a 48 hour stint on Kingman Reef by the boat
Dear TopBanders:
I transferred the TJ antenna to Chuck, today, and we put it on the
cargo list "priority" for the already overfull flight to Christmas
Island. Sorry, I didn't get a chance to look at the antenna but I
hope to set it up here in KH6/KH7 upon its return in a few weeks
and try it out.
As has probably been posted, he is only running barefoot as the
generator I loaned him only does 650W. So keep his frequencies
clear! :-) (I am NOT talking to the "Police").
I also, gave Chuck a copy of the time schedules that Randy, KØEU,
posted that we used out on K7K as a guideline for 160. I did tell
him about the emphasis on pre/during/post sunrise/sunsets at both
ends for the differing parts of the world. Please understand that
he has not been on 160 before. I also gave him (provided he gets
his e-mail before he leaves tomorrow) a copy of the freqs we used
at K7K, again, as a guideline. He was also provided some propagation
information through the courtesy (and overnight shipment) of
Frank Smith, AHØW.
I guess doing DXpeditions NEVER ends!
He will try to get me more info such as tentative schedules, if
possible, for me to post on internet. Or, I am sure someone else
may do the same.
Go get him!
P.S. Please look for KH7R in the CQWW SSB Contest in a couple of
weeks. We will be running Multi-Multi. Hawaii, NOT Kure ! :-)
Kimo Chun KH7U
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