TopBand: Montana report
Bill Hohnstein
Thu, 25 Sep 1997 11:47:12 -0700 wrote:
> The season to Europe started from Montana...
After a having the rig "locked" in the "off" mode since mid-June, my
160M 97/98 season is now about a week old...
I'm surprised at the lack of glowing reports on conditions last night
(Morning UTC)--but openings did seem localized. Heard a good signal
from OH1XX (with OH3YI also on frequency), but I didn't hear many
calling Hannu...
DF2PY has been the Central Europe beacon on 160 lately. Wolf's new
two element antenna is doing an excellent job! He had his best signal
during the past week on 23June when not as many other Europeans were
worked (EA6ACC [Jose has been the west beacon] and EA7AIN). Last
night he was down a bit from prior days, but Northern Europe was
copied when they were absent before (OZ7YY was 559 last night but not
heard the prior night when he was working someone else). And the SM's
and LA0CX appeared out of nowhere...
I turned the radio on too late for the opening further east.
I'm finishing revisions on my parasitic vertical array and am trying
to get a feel for any change in its performance. The European director
(/South Pacific reflector) has been significantly improved. What I
think will be minor changes in the driven element and slight retuning
of the parasitic elements remain...
73, Bill K0HA
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