TopBand: New concept for Lowband DX Receiving!

Bernd Koch
Tue, 7 Apr 1998 12:36:07 +0200 (MET DST)

Titanex - famous for their Lowband Verticals and Log-Periodics - wants to
introduce a world-new concept for Lowband DX Receiving: the SES 80. 

The antenna consists of two phased vertical elements on a long boom. It
should be mounted rotatable at relatively low heights. It is optimized for
high signal-to-noise- and best front-to-back-ratio. 

This receiving antenna is the result of a very long development time. The
high performance was only possible due to a very exact design. Design
deviations in the range of a few millimeters (fractions of an inch) would
immediately let its performance shrink. On the other hand a main factor in
the design was an almost equal reproduction and performance on different
types of ground. 

Compared to beverages the signal strengths are about equal while the
S/N-ratio is only slightly lower. The advantage to beverage antennas is
that you can turn it until you get the best reception of the DX signal! 

This antenna is just perfect for noisy city locations or small properties
if you don't have enough space for beverage antennas. It's also perfect
for DXpeditions: low weight and it can be assembled within minutes. 
Polarization: vertical 
F/B-Ratio: 25dB ! 
Boom length: 6m (20ft.) 
Boom diameter: 40mm (1.6inch) 
Weight: 7.5kg (16.5lb.) 
Max. element length: 4.8m (15.8ft.) 
Elements: 2 
Bandwidth: about 30kHz 
Mounting height: 4m (15ft.) recommended

Delivery includes: Low-weight Titanium-Aluminum-Boom, 2 elements with
tuned coils, boom-to-mast bracket for mast diameters up to 54mm (2 inch),
all phasing lines (coax cable), coax connectors and T-connectors, V2A
parts, manual. 

It can be tuned either to 80m/CW or 80m/SSB. The antenna will be available
beginning May 1998. 

160m Version:
The 160m and 40m version of this antenna is just under preparation. It
will be available in summer 1998. The 160m version requires a longer boom.
It will be available as a separate antenna or as an add-on-kit to your SES

Photos of the antenna are on the Titanex webpage:

If you have no web-access, contact Titanex via email for price information
and shipping conditions:

Test results:
The SES 80 was so far tested 

- at DK2BL's quiet countryside location compared to 4 long beverages
  and a Titanex vertical V160S,
- at DF3CB's noisy Munich city location compared to a Titanex vertical
  V160S and a 3ele 30m Monobander which I usually use for lowband
  receiving and
- at DJ8QP's quiet countryside location with 8 200m long beverages and
  a 20m high vertical.

The SES 80 was tuned to 3790 kHz/SSB. Signals strengths were comparable to
the beverages, S/N-ratio only slightly worse. Impressive was the
directivity and the good F/B. By chance - the antenna also had a resonance
point at 3500 kHz with a VSWR of 2:1. Signals were about 18dB less in
strength compared to the beverages but there was no more noticeable F/B.
But, remember, it was tuned to SSB. There was a remarkable advantage to
listening on my noisy vertical (continuous S4 noise on 80 and S9 on 160 -
day and night) and a tremendous noise reduction. 

9M0C would have needed that antenna...

Have a look to the Titanex webpage! We have more server-space available
now and will add further antenna pictures during this month. 

73, Bernd, DF3CB.


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