TopBand: Weak signal/noise reception
Jim Reid
Tue, 07 Apr 1998 07:24:47 -1000
At 10:50 AM 4/7/98 EDT, K3BU wrote:
>Just a small contribution to the art of noise fighting - weak signal
> During the last WPX SSB contest while on 160, I had two receivers (TS870
>and IC781) going at the times into two ears and using two separate
clusters of
>antennas. The main purpose was to watch for Europeans and US calling me from
>"both ends". I had few occasions when I would hear weak station calling me
>while listening with two radios, then switched both ears to one or another
>receiver alone and reception turned out to be worse than 2RX-2ears. I had
>time copying with either RX alone. Using both I could read the signals
>So I guess it must have been the "brain - ears receiver" that did the
>discrimination against the noise coming from two antennas.
> I wanted to explore the K6STI soundblaster DSP software and adapt it with
>two receivers. Has anyone played with it and any comments?
Am implementing this using the BPF-1 rcvr antenna input of
the FT-1000D. Using the Gladiator TL180 as the "main" antenna,
and a center fed 1200 foot long doublet as the BPF-1 rcvr input. This
will provide antenna diversity and polarization diversity which may
or may not add anything to the two rcvr-ear-brain equation. I also
have the K6STI software and use it by just feeding in the combined
signal of both rcvr's using the D's RX MIX control. Set the Blaster to the
quadrature display/ processing of the I and Q channels, works very
BTW, the 1200 foot doublet was supposed to be one of four V-beams
I have put up. Unfortunately, because the wires run across a deep
ravine/valley full of "jungle" foliage and low trees, and as some of
the trees have reached up and caused the V wires to neither run straight
nor maintain constant elevation with respect to each other, the wires
form no beam nor gain advantage at all!!? So now they are just
bent wire doublets. Wonder if I just allowed the wires to fall into
the jungle below, could they become the beginnings of a set of
73, Jim, KH7M
On the Garden Island of Kauai
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