TopBand: HAntennas II Video
Bill Hohnstein
Sat, 18 Apr 1998 11:35:48 -0700
I just finished producing a video tape on my antennas (HAntennas II)
for a local amateur radio club meeting. The tape is a result of about
2 months of effort on my part. It is NOT a "home video" done with an
afternoon's worth of work. It focuses on video of my current antennas
(four element parasitic vertical array for 160, etc). You can see the
compromises that I make. You can also see that my antennas are nothing
special on 14 MHz and above, other than their above average height.
Besides my current antennas the video covers my rig, some past
antennas, some old personal photos, and shows a glimpse of my soul
through a hazy window. If you see something that you think might
be there coincidentally, you're wrong. There's some subtle clues
in there along with some more obvious ones. And you'll regret not
using a hi-fi audio system with your TV the first time if you have
a choice.
A portion of the sound track includes the results of my editting
11 hours of off-air recordings of DX stations down to 3 minutes,
50.5 seconds of final product. While a number of notable 160 meter
operators are taped, none were from 160 meter QSO's. It was the
result of the tape being made during one very active weekend for
myself in early April when 160 wasn't open. I also felt that the
average club memebers wouldn't be too motivate by hearing a bunch of
what's said to be DX stations at the noise level...
I'm providing a VHS copy at the cost of the tape, plus postage--
$5.00 total stateside, $6.00 to most other countries that I've checked.
The address is Bill Hohnstein, 1947 224th St, Seward, NE 68434 USA.
I'm easier to get ahold of at work weekdays from 1300 - 0000z
402-643-3338. Through my store I can handle credit cards.
HAntennas II is 12 minutes, 57 seconds long, not counting the opening
title accompanied by the song of a friend. A second more informal
recording will give you taste of living in rural Nebraska.
73, Bill K0HA
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