TopBand: FO0FR

Bernie McClenny, W3UR
Sat, 25 Apr 1998 10:44:23 +0100

Lots of folks worked the FO0FR today on the band.  Rob, W6KR, was on 20
meters SSB around 08:00Z.  At 08:33Z he said he had to shut down for a
while because his dad Bob, W6RJ, was going to get on 160 meters. 
Apparently there is some station interference from 160 to the other
rig.  Around 08:35Z I could tell someone was on 1824.  I heard a few
stations west of me work him.  Then he disapeared until 08:52, when K6UR
spotted him back again.  Around 09:28Z I could tell he was there and
evertime he was xmitting.  By 10:00Z I was copying well enough to call. 
I worked him at 10:07Z.  Our sunrise was at 10:17Z and his signal seemed
to peak from 10:20 to 10:25Z.  Then he dived down into the noise.  He
did come back out around 10:35Z.  Don't give up guys...keep listening.  
de Bernie

Bernie McClenny, W3UR (ex WR3E, WB3JRU)
Editor of The Daily DX
3025 Hobbs Road
Glenwood, MD 21738
Fax 301-854-5105

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