TopBand: Did I miss something? KJ9C ARRL 160

Melvin J Crichton
Sun, 06 Dec 1998 12:25:17 -0500

Wha hoppen? Sunspots really messing with Top Band.... not much to report this
year. Got to operate about 12 hours

                             ARRL 160 SUMMARY SHEET

        Team/Club : Soc Midwest Contesters

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   Countries

  160CW      450         450        912      69         4

 Totals      450         450        912      69         4

    Final Score = 66,576 points.

Equipment FT1000MP at 100 watts, 160 meter inverted L at 35ft,
busted dipole at 40 feet, slinky and half wave beverages

 Soapbox Comments

 Not as good as last year. West coast hard to hear. Too many folks PARKED
 on "their" freqs but stil managed to find a hole once in a while
 to run a few stations. Need to honor the DX window. This would have
 been a good one day contest. Not much worked the second night.

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