TopBand: EWE, FLAG, BEV. and...
Tue, 15 Dec 1998 22:53:03 +0100
At 08:56 15/12/98 +0100, Ryszard Tymkiewicz wrote:
>Hi All,
>>So only this morning i have read the comments of SP5EWY, that has tried
>>ewe, mag loop, and reports that for him the best is the K9AY.
>>But all this tests were made at the same time?
>I will try to tell you a little bit about my experiences /anyway SRI for my
>Giulio,I have a quite small garden 32 X 32 meters /1000 sq m/ ,so only
>during winter time I can "use" my neighbours gardens for Beverages but
>rather for a short time /usually I'm installing them just for DX-peditions/.
>So,I was trying few antennas latelly AT THE SAME TIME.I had Magnetic
>Loop,EWE,Pennant,K9AY and 200 m Beverage to the East.All of them I was
>trying to the East /Beverage/.I have high level of local electrical noise at
>about S8 ,so listening
>on my tranmitting antenna,Half Sloper on 18m high tower is often difficult.
>At least in my case Magnetic Loop and EWE didn't help too much.With Loop I
>was not able to null noise and EWEs was also worse than my 80m sloper /for
>K9AY has very good F/B ,even 5 S! and I'm able to eliminate electrical /and
>also band/ noise to zero.Almost always its much more comfortable to use
>K9AY than my transmitting antenna.
>I had Pennant at the same time and I suppose it was a little bit better than
>K9AY,but it had about 12 dB less signal than K9AY,so I was forced to use
>preamplifier /Plessey SL560/ 14 dB.Additionally its very easy to change
>directions in K9AY,and not so easy to build Pennant rotatable.
>Of course Beverage was THE BEST but in 90% I was able to hear station also
>on K9AY comparing to Beverage.Anyway,I have now 200m Beverage to FT5ZH HI.
>All these antennas are /were/ very close to my Tower /12 m./ and I suppose
>it has serious influence on these tests.
> 73 Rys SP5EWY
At least I see a rapport on the K9AY terminated loops.I build last winter
also one
because had to teak down my 6* 300m beverages on the farmers land before
the season.
Good results with it ,just you have to figure that you need 1/4 wave space
the loops and the transmitting antenne to have NO interaccion.
Ofcourse there is nothing better than a beverage antenne .
73/dx see you on topband
Marc ON4MA
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