TopBand: Stratwarms and 160 m. conditions

Luis Mansutti IV3PRK
Sat, 26 Dec 1998 13:13:12 +0100

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Hello TopBanders,
yes everybody agrees on the dramatic conditions experienced on the Band =
during the past week, but I did'nt see any Stratwarm alert lately; they =
have been reported some days ago when conditions were much better: a lot =
of JAs, KH2, T88, BV4, DS4, VKs and even KL7 (AL7R coming down between =
21 and 24 Z with a 579 signal !). As far as USA is concerned the last =
and best day has been Dec. 21 with a good opening into W9 and 0 call =
area ( the furthest contacts 2 QSOs with Colorado and even N7JW in =
Utah); after that day absolutely nothing until this morning, Dec. 26, =
when Tom, W8JI, broke the silence of the DX again.
The Stratwarm discussions on the Reflector roused again my curiosity on =
the subject, after the excellent work of Carl, K9LA, and I went on the =
historical data <>; I =
discovered that Stratwarm conditions existed from Dec. 28, 1997 (that's =
began right during the Stew Perry Contest...) until Jan. 14 1998.
Now everybody could remember that the BEST conditions between Europe and =
the West Coast of USA happened the last week of the 1997: half of them =
were Stratwarm days and half were NO Stratwarm days, just in order to =
confirm the K9LA study for the Sept. 95/97 period.
Going further, as Stratwarms existed until January 14, 1998 located  on =
Siberia and Eastern Europe, that is right over our path to Japan, and I =
am used to look EVERY DAY for JAs at their sunrise, I went through the =
logs and counted 27 JA QSOs beteween  Jan.1 and Jan. 13, NO QSOs between =
Jan. 14 to Jan.24 and again good conditions on that path from Jan. 25 =
....Stratwarms started again on Feb. the 2nd !!

So as Bill, W4ZV, wondered, stated no direct relations with A/K index =
and Stratwarms, " are these poor conditions caused by ....other form of =
punishment by God ?? " :) ...   we are grateful to the science of NM7M =
and his interest on 160 meter propagation, ... always a lot to learn =
from you Bob!,  but still there should something else.....=20

Now let's see what's going to happen with the Stew Perry Contest, just =
started at this time, and I take the opportunity to send my best wishes =
to all the friends for the new year 1999 ! 160 meter is my ONLY Band and =
I will try to keep it alive every day, even under the worst conditions.

73 and HNY

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