TopBand: BC "Trapper" Trap Design (Long!)
George Guerin
Thu, 5 Feb 1998 15:22:34 -0500
Hi Jeff & the rest of the Top-banders
Jeff did a nice write up here. Yes, 5X4F had one for a while and left
it with ON6TT for use in other African countries.
One thing we did instead of GE Silicone sealant was to use "Plastidip"
tool handle coating as a sealant. It can be thinned with mineral
spirits or T.E.R.P.S. It comes in colors and clear. We used mostly
black for UV resistance, clear where we didn't want to cover the PVC
caps. If your parts and hands are clean it truly helps the Plastidip
or Silicone bond to the coax and PVC. (no oils, no dust).
The Battle Creek Special group still supplies a 2:1 or 2.25.1 UnUn for
160 operation, where the impedance of the inverted L is about 25 ohms.
The best reference for trap theory is from QST, Dec 84, pp 37-42,
"Optimizing Coaxial-Cable Traps" by Robert C. Sommer, N4UU.
Other articles are in October 81 HR and May 81 QST. Charlie, W0CD
and I just reviewed them last night.
For John, ON4UN, this write up from Jeff would be good material for
your revised Low Band DXing book.
73 all George K8GG
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