TopBand: TJ1GB

Bill Tippett btippett@CTC.Net
Thu, 12 Feb 1998 14:41:07 -0500 (EST)

The following is courtesy of Ron K6UR:


I'm not doing anything special for the TJ trip but you can post whatever
you would like.

Leave USA Friday the 13th,  Shoud fire up 17 or 18 February as TJ1GB,
will feature 160/80/30 whenever possible.  My son W6KR will operate as
well mostly on the HF's.  Using one of two antennas for 160/80, a
Titanex V80E or a homebrew 48' top loaded vertical made by K7JW for this
trip.  A OH1RY solid state amplifier with 1200 watts.  Biggest problem
operating from TJ is the thunderstorms that make reception diffucult
many times.

I will look for west coast 1 to 2 hours before TJ sunrise.  My qth is
about 350 miles inland from the ocean in northeast Cameroun. NE of

73  Bob W6RJ"

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