TopBand: 9M0C in NM, 3rd time the charm?
Milt Jensen, N5IA
Mon, 16 Feb 1998 08:41:01 -0700
Good morning topbanders,
Some QRN this morning; more than yesterday but less than Saturday.
Propogation is superb. Last things first. No joy for me but he is still
569 at 1422, 20 minutes past sun rise here in SW New Mexico. Amp has been
off for 10 minutes while I make sure my boys are getting ready for school.
Here's the log.
1253 Q w/ W7KW 379/459
1257 Q w/ W7TVF, but has last letter wrong. 479/559
1300 CQ
1302 QRZ He's in a fade
1306 QRZ
1307 His signal is 599 on a peak.
1308 Fade, sends TU
1310 sends NK agn
1312 9M0C QRZ up
1317 Calling CQ up
1319 W7? (W7TVF calling again)
1320 Agn
1321 I ?
1321:30 I ?
1322 AI6 agn
1324 2 up (His sig is 579)
1325 7TVU ? (W7TVF calling)
1330 6XS ?
1331 XB ?
1331:30 7XB ?
1332 Good Q w/ K7XB
1333 73
1336 QRZ up
1337 I ?
1338 QRZ up
1339 He replies to a call but is covered by W6FSJ, who calls on the RX freq
all morning long.
1340 K0EU agn
1341 K0EU 379 OK?
1342 QRZ KR7
1344 Good Q w/ N6SS 379/569 (his signal peaking 579)
1348 379 NF7E ?
1350 379 NF7E ? (his signal peaking 589)
1351 QSL w/ NF7E
1352 6T ? (NI6T calling)
1352:30 Agn
1353 6T ?
1355 Q w/ K6XT 379/579 (sent vry hvy QRN)
1356 73 to K6XT
1357 QRZ up
1358 K7TVF ? agn
1359 Q w/ W7TVF 379/559 (finally)
1400 Up ?
1401 379 report to some station OK ? (W6FSJ still screwing things up)
1402 6NA ?
1403 Q w/ K6NA 379
1404 161 TU
1405 QRZ
1406 K6DV 379/559 (KN6DV calling)
1407 Cfm cl ?
1408 QRN
1410 QSL ?
1411 SV ?
1411:30 KN6 agn
1412:30 KN6DV 389
1413 RR QSL 73 (his signal 569 here)
1415 9M0C up
1416:30 W6?A agn
1420 QRN (his signal 569 here, 20 minutes into full daylight)
1440 His signal 539
1450 His signal 429
1500 His signal 329
1510 His signal 219
1520 His signal a whisper, no real copy. One hour and 20 minutes into
full daylight. W7GG in Oregon and others calling. All I can say
is the Titanex antenna is doing an outstanding job. Too bad that
the reception conditions are so horrendous for them.
Again, good luck to all. Let's hope they get one evening of
reprieve from the QRN. 73 de Milt, N5IA. Who said this is an
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