TopBand: 160-meter propagation observations

Luis Mansutti IV3PRK
Tue, 24 Feb 1998 21:47:46 +0100

Hi Ted,
Congratulations for the beatiful article on 160 meter propagation, which is
going to be published on CQ Magazine, and thanks again for turning at last
your attention to Topband; it's the most complete representation of all the
expected  and unexpected phenomena affecting the propagation on our
Band....yes Ted, it's unbelieveable how many different factors are
I read the entire article very carefully and you got a new insight into the
160 meter enigma with some really innovative points, followed by my

1) "Small changes in the density of the D-region can have a profound
influence on absorption levels during the nighttime hours..." : I always
learnt that the D-layer is directly related to the solar zenith angle and
disappears after sunset; it should be interesting to understand and measure
the residual nighttime D-region electron density, which can produce such
large changes in signal absorption, and build an hourly world map.

2) "160-meter signal strenghts are very difficult to correlate with solar
activity.....the correlation with sunspot numbers is only 5 % as strong as
the correlation on higher frequencies"..... some years ago (before DX
clusters and brute power growing) I was used to partecipate in the contests
and also to win sometimes; I will keep your attention Ted on the scores of
the world top winners on 28 MHz and on 1.8 Mhz in the CQWW SSB contest for
the last 12 years:

Year	28 MHZ	winner	  SCORE		1.8 MHZ winner	 SCORE
1985	TI2KD		   549.275		LZ2CJ		   89.902
1986	LU1E		   754.490		LZ2CJ		   89.244
1987	ZY5EG		1.777.508		UG7GWO	 255.852
1988	VP2ET		2.423.880		YU3MM		   29.169
1989	P40R		2.669.580		IH9/IV3PRK	   81.344	(only wkd VE1ZZ in NA)
1990	ZP0Y		2.961.295		UG6GAW	 119.955
1991	ZV5A		2.984.166		IV3PRK		   28.864	(no QSOs with NA)
1992	ZW5B		2.828.202		9A1HCD	   56.550
1993	LU6ETB	1.551.260		IV3PRK		   43.751	(only wkd VE1ZZ and W1ZE)
1994	PQ0MM	1.586.288		IR4T		   67.811
1995	LU6ETB	   638.388		IG9W		 137.020
1996	PQ5W		   631.116		IG9/IV3TAN	 441.252
3) "Ionospheric Ducting..." : very glad to see another authoritative
opinion on this frequent DX phenomenon, could that explain also the
difficulties I encountered during the month of january on the path to
3DA0CA ? ; I woke up every morning before 04 local time to look for Jon :
was almost every day at 03z on 1827.5 working Stateside but I could never
hear him or even the W's calling 5 up; after a week he began working also
North europeans, but I could receive just a wispy signal (339) for a couple
of minutes and never tried to call ...until the 3rd of february when he was
a solid 559 and I got through at the first call ! BTW at the same time the
band was well open also towards USA Middle West and also West Coast
(N6TR/7) it was not in the past days.

4) Effects caused by the Auroral Oval..."using Boulder k-indices will not
suffice because Boulder, CO, is far from the auroral ovals. The  k-indices
acquired at Artic stations  are much more suitable because they are located
within the auroral oval.."; I agree : during the last ARRL Contest the
geomagnetic conditions were quiet with a Boulder k-index of 1, but no QSOs
further than W1,2,3,4 with a few 8 and 9's (and above average stations
AA0RS and K0HA); the obstruction on the path to the West Coast could be
clearly observed on the real time aurora polar pictures.

Regarding CAROS, as I said, I find it impracticable for my regular daily
observations on the band; if you like I'll send you all my papers by mail.

73 Luis IV3PRK 

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