TopBand: 3DA0CA on 160
Chris R. Burger
Wed, 7 Jan 1998 09:16:52 +200
More news from 3DA0CA.
For those that don't know, Jon is a long-time resident of Swaziland,
and has in the past been active from the same broadcast site used by
DK7PE. However, he no longer has access to that site, and now has to
play from home. I'm working at getting him fired up with some sort
of vertical, but for the moment the low dipole is the only thing
He might return to the States some time this year, so best work him
now if you need Swaziland.
I'll take care of the correspondence. Please no sked requests;
mail takes a long time and he cannot comply with skeds right now
anyway. I've removed some personal remarks from the message, and
posted the remainder with his blessing.
Incidentally, in the light of his weak signals, I've suggested that
he should try "UP5" instead of "QSX32". This may be easier to copy
under marginal conditions. He generally listens up about 5.
His QSL manager is W4DR.
Chris R. Burger
>From 3DA0CA:
...I did work G3FPQ I believe was his call. This AM worked W4ZV. He
peaked at about 6 minutes after my sunrise to about 579. So it's one
QSO per morning...hope the rate improves or it won't be worth my
getting up at 4:45! I assume all the above are big guns and that the
band condx are still poor.
I did get my antenna tuned to resonant at 1827. Will hang out there plus or
minus a KC and QSX up 5 or 6. I was calling this am and decided to listen
on my xmit freq and lo and behold W4ZV was calling there... doesn't figure
if he gave me a 559 or some such that he didn't hear me calling QSX 33...oh
I need to lay low for a while, one of the neighbors might have a TVI
complaint against me and I want them to forget I put up a new antenna before
I hit it heavy again on the upper bands in evening or afternoon. Will
continue to be on 160 early morning. Will try to wake up to catch the OC
openings on 160 some quiet night, which last night WAS NOT! WIll also try
for a JA opening or two. I hope to make some QSO's during the CQWW 160 CW
73 jon, 3da0ca
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