TopBand: TBDC, N6LL, WA6CDR, & best EU ears award
Tue, 20 Jan 1998 02:06:44 -0800
late post, sorry.
N6LL, SOLP, so calif.
140 QSOs, 100 grids. 100W.
16 EU = S5, RA2, HA, G, GM, OM, OZ, DL, GW, SM, OH
33 JA + UA0, H4, T8, KH8,
Utterly fantastic opening to EU. I have gone an entire weekend calling some
of these same stations at a KW.. this time, some of them CALLED ME! at 100W!
Started by heard S58A CQing... with slow rate.. Have tried Boris in the
past at KW - no luck. Tried anyway at 100W. HE answered! In complete
shock I completed the qso... and in the next 20 minutes had a half dozen
more eu in the log. 15 EU in one night is extremely rare, at the KW level.
at 100W it is simply NOT DONE! Incredible.
Now you think thats good, read this!
I was so amazed at the signal levels, GM3POI at S9 over a S0 noise floor,
that I called some of the local city folks on the phone and played it to
them... one made a successful qso with him.. While listening to his QSO, I
turned the power on the TS940 to minimum, 5W. Then I called GM3POI using my
own call, WA6CDR.
HE ANSWERED!- with a witness on the phone listening, I completed the QSO,
and later went on to work DF0KW... also at 5W.
I hereby award the best EU ears award to GM3POI and DF0KW! Utterly AMAZING!
So Cal to EU with 5W? IMPOSSIBLE!
Thank you both!
thanks for the bandwidth folks,
robin critchell
CU from N5IA in CQ160
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