TopBand: 1998 S. Pacific 160m Phone/CW Contest
Steve Ireland
Sat, 4 Jul 1998 07:30:33 +0800
The third South Pacific 160m CW/Phone Contest will take place on Saturday
18th July 1998, from 0700Z until 2330Z.
DX stations are encouraged to participate, and score by working as many VK,
ZL and P2 stations as possible.
The objective for VK/ZL/P2 stations is to work as many local and overseas
stations as possible on 160m.
Sections are CW, Phone and SWL (all single operator) - some stations, like
me, enter both the CW and Phone sections to make the contest as lively as
Exchange RS(T) plus serial number. VK stations should claim one point per
QSO with their own call area, two points with other call areas in VK and ZL,
three points with other Pacific islands (ie. ZK1, VK9, P2) and five points
for far DXCC countries.
For VK/ZL entrants, if the number in your callsign differes from the actual
call area in which you are located, please follow your callsign with the
appropriate number to indicate your actual location (ie. VK6VZ/3).
For VK/ZL, the multiplier is the number of VK and ZL call areas worked, plus
the number of other DXCC countries worked. Final score equals total QSO
points times multiiplier.
For overseas, my rules sheet is not clear if a multiplier exists, but if it
does, logically it would be the number of VK/ZL (including P2) call areas
worked - in this case, I should WFWL.
Certificates will be awarded to the top scoring stations in each section, in
each call area of VK and ZL, and in each DXCC country.
Send your log, signed summary sheet and any comments to: Ian Godsell VK3DID,
25 Monaco Street, Mentone, VIC 3194 Australia by 17th August 1998. Logs in
ASCII format on 3.5 inch disk or via e-mail (to are
gladly accepted.
Vy 73,
Steve, VK6VZ
but may only work objective of this is contest has been overhauled this
year, so its scoring system offers specific points for working
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