TopBand: 1830-1840 AM BCB QRM
Wed, 15 Jul 1998 07:01:27 EDT
In a message dated 98-07-14 09:20:17 EDT, you write:
<< Looks like we are on the right track. Larry K5OT e-mailed me and said he
could hear American Airlines Dallas-Ft. Worth airport flight information
transmitter on the frequency range mentioned, and that it was jumping
around. WD4JRA John said he is pretty sure he heard it briefly several
months ago.
Larry gave me the fundamental (1640 kHz), and this morning I was able to
get a perfect audio match with the wandering parasitic!
I'm not sure if American owns the transmitter or not, but would like to
find a technical contact at American Airlines Dallas-Ft. Worth. Larry is
working on that, but additional help or information would be appreciated.
73 Tom
I wonder if it is the DFW "Traveler's Information Service" (TIS) transmitter.
Normally you find most of them on 530 and 1610 kHz but that is not to say that
there has not been one authorized on 1640. With the new expanded band AM
stations going on the air now in the 1605-1750 kHz region of the AM band I am
sure that we will occasionally find a spur from them in the 160 band too,
although they have to clean up any problems if someone complains. In
addition, all AM stations have to perform spurious measurements once a year to
insure signal purity, according to the FCC Rules. If it indeed is a dirty TIS
transmitter, contacting the appropriate persons at the DFW airport might
generate an investigation to clean up the problem. If not a call to the FCC
field office in that area will surely get the ball rolling. Lately the FCC
has been doing a lot of inspections on AM and FM broadcast stations. We've
had about ten clients inspected in the last 6 months, so there is some
interest in keeping the "Broadcast Bands" clean. Goose W8AV
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