TopBand: Top Band Anthology, Vol. I
Ward Silver
Tue, 21 Jul 1998 21:01:51 -0700 (PDT)
I'm pleased to announce (with the permission of the moderators) that the
Western Washington DX Club is publishing the "Top Band Anthology, Volume
I", a collection of original articles by some of Top Band's best-known
gentlemen. I am honored to have been able to act as the editor for this
first volume of excellent writing.
The list includes:
Bob Brown, NM7M
"On Propagation and DXing on the 160-meter Band"
"On Propagation Indicators: Their Physical Origins and Roles in
Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA
"Polarization Response of Three Common 160-meter Antennas"
L.B. Cebik, W4RNL
"The SCV on 160: A Guide to Single and Double Rectangles"
Nick Hall-Patch, VE7DXR
"Signal-Strength Recording as an Aid to Propagation Studies"
Bill Tippett, W4ZV
"Long-Path and Skewed-Path Propagation on the Lower Shortwave Frequencies"
(originally published for SWLs, but new to the amateur press)
Bill Hohnstein, K0HA
"A Directional Antenna Array for 160-meters"
Ken Keeler, N6RO
"Getting Serious on 160-meters"
The entire volume runs 90 black-and-white pages, including many figures,
tables, and photos. It is available for $15 + $2 shipping (US) from the
editor, N0AX, and all proceeds benefit the Western Washington DX Club with
a small honorarium going to the authors or their designated charity.
(VE/DX orders, please inquire separately as to shipping costs.)
The copies that were sold at the Pacific NW DX Convention got excellent
reviews. If you're interested in Top-Band propagation, or want some input
for the summer's antenna projects, this anthology would be a good source
of information. The articles range from the analytic to the construction
epic. Great reading!
To order, please send a check or money order made out to "Western
Washington DX Club" to Ward Silver, N0AX, at:
22916-107th Ave SW
Vashon, WA 98070
Thanks for your consideration and also to the reflector moderators.
73, Ward N0AX
Visit the Western Washington DX Club home page at!
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