TopBand: good commercial 160 ant?

Wed, 29 Jul 1998 10:26:09 -0600

On Tue, 28 Jul 1998 19:56:28 -0700 Dave Mueller <> writes:
>Hi guys....I'd like some input on this question if you don't mind.
>I'm looking for a good, commercially made, 160m vertical.  The titanex
>verticals look great, but are a little too tall for my home and way 
>out of  my price range.  I am looking for something in the 45 foot
>One I have been looking at is the Gladiator brand.  I know a 1/4 wave
>vertical would be ideal, but the trade winds are too strong for 
>balloon verticals.  I guess a kite antenna would work but again, 
>the trade  winds 
>are quite finicky and at times during the night it gets dead calm.
>    Bottom line is that I'm looking for something not too tall so I 
>can install
>it at my house (radials are not a problem), but effective enough to 
>into Europe and the East coast with a KW and beverages.  Ideally, then 
>could bring it with me up to Tinian or Saipan to put KH0 on the air, 
>possibly KH9 as well sometime during my remaining 2 years out here.
>   Is there some animal out there that fits my needs, or am I just
>and need to look at other ideas for an effective antenna? (the largest
>here max out at about 30-40ft, so I doubt an inverted L would be that
>Thanks for the input,
>73, Dave N2NL/KH2
>Hopefully back on topband again starting sometime in November

Hi  Dave,

Can you locate a Rohn or Radio Shack  TV  PUSH-UP  MAST?
Add some top loading wires, a good base insulator (old coke
bottles worked great) and of course a good radial field.  UNUNs
or 1/4 WL coaxial transformers (parallel 50 or 75 ohms lines
to get the needed intermediate impedance) are simple ways
to match to a lower impedance.

For T-Top loading, each loading wire plus the vertical height
needs to add to about 90% of a full 1/4 WL.  With 4 wire top
loading, the wires can be shorter.

73 / GL,  Tom  N4KG

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