TopBand: ZL7DK: DXpedition to Emulate

Mon, 2 Mar 1998 06:52:12 -0600

ZL7DK is still coming through (1100Z) on 1828.5 (QSX 1831+/-)
with a nice S5 signal (between static crashes).   This
team has proven over and over (S21XX, VK9CR, VK9XY), 
the value of a GOOD (Top Loaded) vertical antenna for
the LOW  Bands by DXpedition stations.  A single good
vertical radiates equally to all paths.  With a KW amplifier
this ONE antenna will give everyone a readable signal
and the operators don't have to worry or guess which
path(s) are open.  This is a MUCH better choice than
LOW dipoles or dipoles over the middle of a high roof top.
(On 80M, they are have an outstanding 579 signal, 
operating simultaneously with 160M.)

Because of their excellent operating style, I was able to 
confirm my contact on the first transmission.  What I
heard was N4??  N4??  5NN  5NN  ??KG.
The missed letters were due to El Nino static crashes
but with the reduncy, and a moderate sending speed
around 25 WPM, I was able to piece my whole call
together and follow the timing.   This repetitive style
is exactly what is needed to enable callers to pull
out a distant signal in an environment filled with
QRM,  QRN,  and QSB.  GOOD  JOB  Guys!

de  Tom  N4KG

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