TopBand: Re: [CQ-Contest] 160M SSB QSOs
Wed, 4 Mar 1998 07:52:45 -0500 (EST)
Hi Martin
I am pleased you heard my signal in ZL at 0650Z on 1814.6.
At the time, I was still listening for Europe on my Diamond 4 sq array and
that most likely explains why I did not hear your call.
We usually hear ZL BEST at our sunrise time of 1110Z, though, and not at
your sunset. The path then is noisey here with no grayline enhancement at
our end. You, however, are listening into approaching darkness at that time
on an essentially quiet band. The noise at your end usually picks up several
hours AFTER your sunset - at least that is what I observed at ZL3GQ when I
was there in January 1986
The grayline works in curious ways - you hear US best at your sunset - and we
hear YOU best at our sunrise.
I have worked ZL at your sunset over the years - eg: ZL3GQ, ZL2SQ, ZL2BT,
ZL2JR - but under excellent and much quieter conditions on our end.
This past weekend yielded PUNK condx, with S9 +10-20DB static crashes - with
few breaks in between.
I had Europeans calling me from 0100Z onwards - I always could hear the growl
of the pile - yet managed to work only 136 of them.
So I am sorry I could not hear you. It would have taken a miracle on my side
- thank you vy much for trying though!
For the record, I worked KH6CC (twice), no KL7, several VE6/VE7. I did not
hear a peep outta KH8 (who was on) nor any Vk or ZL at my sunrise peak of
Hope this explains a bit the story from our side.
Ps - My location is on an "island" off of Cape Cod, Mass. with direct
saltwater takeoff in all azimuth headings and I am using a gain antenna with
6.8Dbi forward gain over a single inverted L.
The antenna has 30-35 Db front to back and makes things vy quiet off the back
when I am listening to Europe.
73 Jeff
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