TopBand: KH1 Update
Bernie McClenny, W3UR
Fri, 06 Mar 1998 12:44:15 +0000
Kimo C. Chun KH7U wrote:
> The Eric Edberg, W6DU, Pacific Expedition to KH1/KH5/KH5K
> A memorial to the late DXer and NCDXF Board Member.
> Hello Everyone,
> The team on Howland Island, KH1, has erected most of the antennas. The
> six meter antenna with beacon on 50.110 MHz., pausing in between trans-
> missions, should be up and running by morning. Due to various reasons
> not the least is 115 to 120 degree heat, not all the antennas taken have
> or will be put up. They are taking it under consideration. The team is
> exhausted after spending most of yesterday and night puting up antennas
> and the camp.
> They have up:
> 3 ele Yagi-Uda on 10/15/20
> WARC-7 2/3 ele Yagi-Uda on 12/17/30
> Vertical on 30/40
> Vertical on 80/160
> The six meter antenna is a 3 ele Yagi-Uda which will be rotated towards
> various directions throughout their stay. Hopefully the relatively low
> directivity will allow them to hear from the other directions.
> They do have other antennas but don't believe any more time should be
> wasted that could be put towards operating.
> With input from various people around the world we will try to change
> some target frequencies (as previously mentioned) to allow better reception
> allowing for regional "difficulties". We know that there is no perfect
> solution for everyone so please understand.
> 160.....1827............---.............---
> 80......3503............3795............---
> 40......7023............7080............7035 (JA)
> ........................................7085
> 30......10103 or 10115..---.............---
> 20......14023...........14245...........14085
> 17......18073...........18125...........---
> 15......21023...........21295 or higher.21085
> 12......24893...........24945...........---
> 10......28003...........28495...........---
> 6.......................50.110
> We know there will still be conflicts with the KH9 and ZL7 and others.
> They will not necessarily be on these frequencies but will try to stick
> to it when possible.
> Let's just say they will be where you find them. :-).
> The tentative departure date is the 9 or 10th (local) of March.
> They have a deadline to meet a plane on KH3 Johnston. Again, we are sorry,
> a longer operation was not possible as the transportation was primarily
> for the USFWS and we latched onto the opportunity to tag along.
> Nonetheless, this exedition (though generously supported by organizations
> and individuals around the world) still cost the individual operators a
> lot (for them). They would still appreciate any and all donations direct
> or with QSL to help defray their expenses. Donations can be sent Ron Lago,
> AC7DX.
> Good luck to all in their pursuit.
> 73, Aloha
> Kimo Chun KH7U
> member: Midway-Kure DX Foundation
> .........South Sandwich Island Antarctic DX Group
Bernie McClenny, W3UR (ex WR3E, WB3JRU)
Editor of The Daily DX
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