TopBand: Elevated GP vs. Vertical Antennas
km1h @
Sun, 08 Mar 1998 18:08:04 EST
Tom, I believe that those professionals who have published their
information for peer review should be praised...and not belittled as you
are trying.
If you wish to publish your particular version of the facts, please do
so that all may benefit...and comment. You claim to have all the
pertinent papers of others somewhere so why not give us the benefit of
your knowledge.
Who knows, you may be right but so far I have not read squat on the
subject in any recognized publication. In the meanwhile I will remain
fat, dumb and happy and accept the writings of recognized experts.
Ciao Carl KM1H
On Sun, 08 Mar 1998 02:20:45 +0000 Tom Rauch
<> writes:
>> Date: Sat, 07 Mar 1998 10:16:45 -0500 (EST)
>> From: (km1h @
>> Subject: Re: TopBand: Elevated GP vs. Vertical Antennas
>> To:
>> To Tom and those on the reflector that are following the elevated
>> discussion.
>Hi Carl,
>I have all the data you just posted in my stacks of papers on
>this subject, and I see nothing new or conclusive in any of it. The
>same small group of people keep throwing those types of obscure data
>out as something meaningful, but I fail to see what any of the
>Newburgh (or similar) data proves.
>After all, the very same guy who filed and presented the Newburgh
>data installed WVNJ AM and did the proof there. He, in the case of
>WVNJ, claimed near 100% antenna efficiency with the elevated system.
>The owner assured me he was told by this same person over and over
>again the station could not be improved by going to a conventional
>ground system. Yet when WVNJ installed a conventional ground, they
>picked up several dB.
>If the guy made a mistake of such magnitude at a big station like
>WVNJ, how can we trust his data from a small temporary setup like
>Maybe I'm missing something you know and I don't know, so please
>let me ask two simple questions.
>Look at all the data you have, and tell me what the actual FS of
>KPI-204 (that's the test transmitter in Newburgh) was at one
>kilometer. The key word is actual.
>Also, please tell me how they arrived at the figure of 286.4 mV/m/kw.
>Do you know how they got that number?
>73, Tom W8JI
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