TopBand: Elevated GP vs. Vertical Antennas
Wed, 18 Mar 1998 21:36:20 -0500
hello gentlemen:
Well here is my 1/2 cents worth, let me explain, I'v been an antenna freak
for years, this is what I have experienced!
While in Rhode Island, I had a very small lot ran a 18ft vertical great
shot to the west, south, north, very large hill(mountain) to my east worked
Europe very successfully.
Moved to Western New York state, hada 50 ft shunt feed tower, Ground system
was as follows.
1/2 in. copper tubing around base of tower 6 in in ground with many bags of
rock salt added and kept active yearly, many ground radials burried 1-2 in.
at least 8 1/4 wave length radials as well as many odd sizes, system did
well. Soil content sucked!
Path to Europe unobstructed.
Virginia: 1/4 wave L 12ga wire apex about 80 feet in a tree, radial system
Poor, about 20 radials (2 1/4 wave, ran in a crazy direction, but it's
down) others different lengths.
Soil is the trick here, brackshis water table, more salt then you would
results, can hold my own in pile ups.
Results: This QTH has the better performer, RI was second due to Location
RI, everyone needs it. NY was hard earned but was lacking results. Soil
condition is a plus here and should be anywhere, where you have salt water
content. More experimentation will take place in comming months & years,
I'll let you know the results!
TNX 73's best of DX on TB
anyone have info on Beacons on 160m ?
Please send it my way!
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