TopBand: Elevation Angle vs. Conductivity

Bill Hohnstein
Wed, 18 Mar 1998 22:17:49 -0800

I recently decided to compare antenna radiation at differing
elevations with differing ground conductivities.  I used EZNEC 2.0
software (obviously using real ground parameters [I'll let others
tell of any limitations]) and my transmit antenna array as the test
antenna (on its main lobe) and varied the the conductivity.  The
results are as follows:

ELEVATION    2.0 mS    44 Ms      5000 mS
 Degrees     Poor       My         Salt
            Cndctvty  Cndctvty     Water

   2.5       -4.1dBi    5.2 dBi    10.6 dBi
   6.6        2.1       8.5        10.89    5000 mS pk
   10         3.9       9.0        10.8
   15         5.4       9.33       10.0     44 mS pk
   22         5.92      9.0         9.7      2 mS pk
   30         5.4       8.0         8.7
   40         3.9       6.1         6.7
   50         1.4       3.4         3.9
   60        -2.4      -0.4         0.1

  The interesting thing was not the expected improved low angle
radiation with improving conductivity, but rather that the radiation
was better at the higher angles as well.

73,  Bill     K0HA

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