TopBand: Elevated Radials

km1h @
Fri, 20 Mar 1998 10:26:27 EST

On Fri, 20 Mar 1998 01:56:04 -0500 (John Mitchell) writes:
>But resonance has a lot to do with current flow, right?  Revisit the 
>I drew of antennas over salt water, if you would.  I had hoped to 
>some debate over this.  After all, if a 1/4 wave vertical with only 2
>resonant radials suspended 66 feet above the ocean will work as well 
>as one
>with an infinite number of radials at the same height over the same 
>ground, doesn't this have implications for elevated radials in 
>general.  Am
>I seeing this right or not? 

To resonate or not to resonate elevated radials?
There seem to be 2 distinct camps represented here. I feel that I am
sitting at the baseline of a tennis match!


zone.  Don't elevated radials give some near field advantage over 
>ground radials when the ground is very lossy?

There was no answer to your question John. It is almost the same I asked
of Eric yesterday.

>I feel this is where I stand to learn a lot from experimenting.  But 
>we need
>to define some terms here, i.e., "small" elevated system - how small;
>"close" to earth, how close; also the conductivity and topography of 
>and "modest" sized conventional system.  Let's take one definition and 
>it thru.


I also hear that the next issue of QEX will have some more in-depth
discussion of NEC-4.1 and its limitations and by a much respected author.
For now I will wait for that.

In the meantime I will dig up my trusty old 2N2222 xtal oscillator,
attach directly to the feedpoint of one of my verticals and add radials.
When I find no more meaningful  increase in FS at 4 miles LOS;  I  will
then try the rabbit cage both elevated and on the ground. 
Then I will go fishing. 

After getting sun and windburn out on the ocean I will try and make some
sense of the data. Fish oil is also good brain food. 

Then I may attempt to get the data published in one of the few decent
amateur magazines. If anyone has suggestions as to maximizing the
accuracy of the measurements please feel free to comment. One question is
what should be used for the remote antenna?

Right now I am in information overload.

73  Carl  KM1H 

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