TopBand: NL7Z - Longpath from NY?

km1h @
Sat, 21 Mar 1998 16:49:25 EST

On Sat, 21 Mar 1998 08:01:00 -0500 Bill Tippett <btippett@CTC.Net>
>N4XX forwarded the following message from Cary Oler who runs the Solar
>Dispatch Topband site ( 
>Also be
>to read Cary and Ted's articles in the March and April issues of CQ.  
>They are
>excellent and explain the strange ducting and skewing we often see on 
>                                                        73, Bill  W4ZV

Yours is the third reference to some form of ducting being at least
possibly  partially involved Bill. Was it not about a year ago that one
particular "expert" here did his best to slam anyone who dared to suggest
such a thing as ducting?

Times change....  and thanks to the Jeff's of the band that are on every
morning and playing a major part in understanding this often strange
band.  Perhaps Yuri had it somewhat correct all along!

Also I would love to see an effort to bring VE1ZZ aboard here; his
insights along with a superb RX and TX  antenna system could only add to
the data.

Keep at it Jeff!

73  Carl  KM1H

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