TopBand: Re: Elev. Radial Qx.

Earl W Cunningham
Sun, 22 Mar 1998 03:31:56 EST

John, K4IQ wrote:

The question is:  what further improvement is realized by using more than
two 1/4 wave radials when the "ground" 66 ft below is the ocean?  

      ____|____  _ 1/4L Vert. w /two res. radials at 66 feet
_______________  _ H2O + NaCl

So, what about it, gentlemen?  Would 120 radials over salt water play any
For what it's worth, here's the EZNEC results:

1/4-wave 160m vertical mounted at the ocean surface with beaucoup radials
(zero ground loss):  Gain = 4.67 dBi @ 7.3 degrees TOA

Raising the vertical to 66' above the salt water with two radials:

      Gain = 5.70 dBi @ 5.3 degrees TOA (off the end of the radials)
                 5.76 dBi @ 5.9 degrees TOA (perpendicular to the

  66' above salt water, 4 radials: Gain = 5.84 dBi @ 5.6 deg
                                8 radials: Gain = 5.89 dBi @ 5.6 deg
                              16 radials: Gain = 5.91 dBi @ 5.6 deg
                              32 radials: Gain = 5.93 dBi @ 5.5 deg
                              64 radials: Gain = 5.96 dBi @ 5.5 deg

All wires in the models were #12 gauge.  Radials were kept at 140' long.

73, de Earl, K6SE

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