TopBand: Remote signal source
km1h @
Mon, 23 Mar 1998 12:24:26 EST
On Mon, 23 Mar 1998 09:07:15 -0700 Eric Gustafson Courtesy Account
<> writes:
>It would be much better to use a reference antenna of the same
>polarization as the antenna under test. It doesn't have to be
>matched, or effecient. But it should have the same polarization.
>73, Eric N7CL
Eric and others...
It appears that I will have several points of reference for the tests. A
few may alternate between RX and TX as a further test of performance.
At the QRP level would not a Beverage also make a good TX antenna?
And does not an inverted V radiate vertically off the ends?
What should be the maximum distance between myself and the remotes before
accuracy suffers?
The polarization will make a difference at ground wave but it would also
be of interest to include horizontal in the test. The key is making
accurate measurements and later analyze the data.
The one thing I may not be able to do is NOT have the various groups of
radials in place. They could be all connected together and to a ground
rod if that would help minimize the reradiation effect.
I was considering having the radial groups just clip on in sequence and
use 2M as a liasion.
Coordinating together several people at one time is not easy and I feel
that trying the tests over a week by week time frame would lose accuracy.
I would prefer to do it all over several hours on one day and then crunch
the data. If strange anamolies appear then I would reconsider retesting.
Comments related to the discussion are welcome. For those who find this
tedious just use the delete key and dont generate more
73 Carl KM1H
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