TopBand: NL7Z - Longpath from NY?
Mon, 23 Mar 1998 20:42:40 EST
In a message dated 98-03-21 16:51:30 EST, KM1H writes:
<< Also I would love to see an effort to bring VE1ZZ aboard here; his
insights along with a superb RX and TX antenna system could only add to the
data. >>
About VE1ZZ getting QRV on reflector:
Jack is 65, veeeery slow typist. He is not on internet, he has a packet
connection via Halifax. He is also a bit shy to get involved in "serious"
discussions on the reflector. Therefore I doubt that he would be able to jump
in and joins us, but...
I am going to operate WPX SSB on 160 from his place again. I will bring
him up on the discussions we had on propagation and
verticals/radials/beverages. From my past stays with him, I gathered that
Jack is far less "scientific" then I am. I made to him number of suggestions
as far as utilizing antennas for propagation, etc. Jack followed them and it
"opened his eyes". So he might be even more proficient in his DX chasing
(heck, he even fired up in ARRL DX contest). I will alert him more to some
propagation stuff and I am sure he will be able to do some observations.
If Jack got hammered by "experts" like I was, he would pull back into the
shell and never come back. I can take hammering, because if I believe in
something, because I have experienced it (= it happened) then no scientist or
"authority" can derail me and make me believe otherwise.
Couple interesting things about Jacks place:
I have never heard 4 square there outperform his Beverages on receive, not
even close. I keep hearing from other lucky 4squarers that they are as good or
better than beverages. Go figure. Worth of investigating. (maybe his 4Sq is
not so hot? - but he has a junkyard of "radials" underneath!)
Once he dropped NE Beverage down to abt 4' above ground, and that thing
was the only one that let me work Eu on staticky band. S/N was much different
then all others. Unfortunately he put it back up to abt 8 ft, "signals from it
were too low".
I am trying to have Jack to show up for some ragchewing on 1855, maybe he
will become frequent participant.
I was trying to write up my contesting experiences from Jack's place,
unfortunately health and "busyness" did let me, but there is still hope, stay
tuned for upcoming eRS home page.
Again, I will try to be QRV and transmit even during the daylight
(switching pattern), maybe I can bring some UA0s or discover that there is a
long path all the time? Too bad it is not CW weekend I enjoy that much more,
160m SSB sucks. Oh, and stay back if you see on the highway ugly antenna on 72
Buick, I might pulling beverage behind me (another application for slinkybev?
Step on the brakes, and antenna would "come home".)
Thanks Carl (and others) for your support!
73 Yuri Blanarovich, VE3BMV/1, K3BU/m cca 1840
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